Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law, LLC has served the Springfield community and Southwest Missouri since 1975. Today, our lawyers take pride in our commitment to providing knowledgeable legal advice with a focus on personal attention.
Springfield Probate Lawyers
Comprehensive Estate Administration Services in Springfield
When a loved one passes, most estates must go through a formal legal process known as probate before beneficiaries can receive assets. The process varies depending on the size and complexity of the estate and whether the decedent had a will. Disputes may arise for a variety of reasons, including doubts about the validity or clarity of a will. At Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law, LLC, we’ve been engaged in probate and estate litigation for more than 40 years, representing estates, creditors of estates, and estate beneficiaries. We have the knowledge, experience, and resources to deliver optimum results in a cost-effective manner.
Call our probate attorneys in Springfield at (417) 557-3407 to help you better understand your situation and guide you through the complex process.
Effective Resolution of Estate Disputes in Missouri
An estate must collect amounts owed and pay amounts owing before assets are released to beneficiaries. In our practice, we collect on behalf of estates and pay all legitimate claims. We also represent creditors in collection actions against an estate. When questions arise regarding the validity of a claim for payment against an estate, we work to resolve the dispute on the most favorable terms possible for our clients.
Expert Will Challenge Representation
Perhaps the most common form of probate litigation is a will challenge from one or more of the decedent’s heirs. Often, these challenges are without merit; the heirs are simply disappointed in the size of their bequests. But, in many instances, the heirs present a credible case that the will or other testamentary document is invalid.
Grounds for a viable will challenge include:
- Coercion — The testator was forced to sign a will that was contrary to his or her wishes.
- Fraud — Either someone tricked the testator into signing a document that did not contain the terms as the testator understood them or someone has replaced the true will with a counterfeit.
- Undue influence — Someone close to the testator used emotional manipulation to induce the testator to change a will in that person’s favor. This type of case arises when a caregiver with special access to the testator keeps relatives away and convinces the testator they no longer care.
- Void for vagueness — A will, or other estate planning document, can only be enforced if its terms are clear. Phrases that are open to various interpretations inevitably lead to disputes the court must settle by deciding on the meaning of a phrase, striking the phrase from the will, or declaring the entire will invalid.
Our estate litigation attorneys represent the estate and beneficiaries in will challenges in probate court.
Contact Our Springfield Probate Attorneys Today
Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law, LLC has vast experience in probate litigation, representing estates, claimants, and beneficiaries. Our Springfield probate lawyers understand the importance of delivering cost-effective and timely results in these proceedings.
To learn how our firm can efficiently represent your interests, schedule a consultation at our Springfield office. Call us at (417) 557-3407 or contact us online.

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Mr. Groves is by far the best attorney I have ever worked with. He was on top of my case and made me feel safe You couldn’t ...
- Diane Guinn -
Very best one in Springfield! Really cares, listens, and worked very hard and quickly to win my case!!!
- Anonymous -
I recently had to initiate a business foreclosure on a property related to my parents’ estate in Stone County. Megan Creson ...
- Catherine W. -
Megan was amazing in our case!! Very professional, even earning compliments from the judge. Would 100% recommend!
- Ryan S. -
Gregg represented both our company and our business in a case where we alleged that the financials provided to us, while ...
- Anonymous -
Great, professional, and sharp lawyer. Knows his stuff. Worked very hard for me and we won. and he inherited my mess from a ...
- Anonymous -
I have been beyond impressed with my experience with Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law. They are knowledgeable, prompt, and ...
- Nickie B. -
This carried over from another lawyer that had in quite a mess, and Gregg straightedge out quite quickly. My night in shining armor.
- Sandy F.

Why Choose Lowther Johnson Attorneys at Law, LLC? What Makes Us Different
Serving Springfield, MO Since 1975